



Adorno and Horkheimer locate in the long tradition of the orgiastic/ carnivalesque reversal of the established order: the moment when the hierarchical rules are suspended and ‘everything is permitted.’ The primordial recaptured by the sacred orgies is, of course, the retroactive projection of the human alienated state: it never existed prior to its loss. The point is that Sade announced the moment when, with the emergence of bourgeois Enlightenment, pleasure itself loses its sacred/ transgressive character and is reduced to a rationalized instrumental activity. That is to say, according to A/H, the greatness Sade is that, on behalf of full assertion of earthly pleasures, he not only rejects any metaphysical moralism, but also fully acknowledges the price one has to pay for it: the radical intellectualization/ instrumentalization/ regimentation of the (sexual) activity intended to bring pleasure. (Zizek, “Kant with (or against) Sade,” in The Zizek Reader, p.287)




As numerous analyses from Bakhtin onwards have shown, periodic transgressions of public law are inherent to the social order; they function as a condition of latter’s stability. (Bakhtin’s mistake was to present an idealized image of these ‘transgressions,’ while passing in silence over lynching parties, and so on, as the crucial form of the ‘carnivalesque suspension of social hierarchy.’) What ‘hold together’ a community most deeply is not so much identification with the Law that regulates the community’s ‘normal’ everyday circuit, but rather identification with a special form of transgression of the Law, of the Law’s suspension (in psychoanalytic terms, with a specific form of enjotment). (Zizek, The Metastases of Enjoymente, p.55)



Power and Resistance are effectively caught in a deadly mutual embrace: there is no Power without Resistance (in order to function, Power needs an X which eludes its grasp); there is no Resistance without Power (Power is already formative of that very kernel on behalf of which the oppressed subject resists the hold of Power).



…disciplining mechanisms themselves set in motion a wild proliferation of what they endeavour to suppress and regulate: the very ‘repression’ of sexuality gives rise to new forms of sexual pleasure….


…self-referential turn in the relationship between sexuality and its disciplinatory control: the confessional activity itself become sexualized, give rise to a satisfaction of its own: ‘The repressive law is not external to the libido that it represses, but the repressive law represses to the extent that repression becomes a libidinal activity.’ (Zizek, The Ticklish Subject, p.252-254) 

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